6 Himalayan super-herb for stronger hair.

Strong hair, Ayurveda, Shakti, Aroha oils, Jatamansi, Bringraj thailaim, oil, hair oil, himalayan herb,

Jatamansi: This is an Ancient Secret Himalayan Herb for Hair growth and Hair strength.

Ayurveda, 5000 years ago describes Jatamansi (Sanskrit name) has one of the easiest and the best home remedies for hair growth and strengthening the hair roots. This Himalayan herb is known to boost hair growth and make it silky soft. The best way to reap its benefits is to extract its oil and use the same to massage your scalp. It is especially helpful in cases where hair has become dry and brittle. 

1) Jatamansi :

The pink-shaped flowering plant grows best at the altitude of about 4000 metres  and  is one of the most potent herbs for hair growth, and that’s why they flourish in the snow-clad mountains of Himalayas in India and Nepal. The plant commonly referred to as either Spikenard or Muskroot in English. Lets understand the benefit it has to offer - 

1. Promotes hair Growth 

Jatamansi rhizomes are used in Ayurveda for the preparation of potent hair oils that promote hair growth, strengthening of roots and ward off graying. Jatamansi roots are infused with other complimentary herbs which helps in hair growth. A recent study have shown that - 30% acceleration in the time taken to regrow hair in one study due to Jatamansi. Components such as Nardin and Jatamansic acid are found in Jatamansi which is said to be responsible for that.

2. Reduces Stress & Helps in deeper Sleep

Other than Jatamansi benefits for hair, it also helps in calming the nerves thereby alleviating the stress and promoting better sleep. . Jatamansi is said to have antistress, anticonvulsive, antiepileptic, and cognitive enhancing properties and there is now a deep medical research to use the benefits of this herb in regular/ Allopathy medicines

3.  Improving Memory and learning Quotient

This powerful herb is also categorized as rasayana (rejuvenative) and medhya (brain tonic) in ayurveda and is said to improve your memory and learning quotient

4.  Pollution related Skin issues 

Jatamansi is a magical potion for all those who are suffering from the ill-effects of constant exposure to dust and air pollution.

Some other Important Herbs & Whole Plant for Hair Growth :

2) Bhringraj :

Ayurveda sets bhringraj on the top list of most powerful herbs for hair related issues.  Eclipta alba or as ot is popularly know as Bhringraj - belongs to the sunflower family. Though its flowers are very small, it are loaded with goodness. It is traditionally  know as miracle herb for growing long, silky and strong hair.

Benefits of Bhringraj for hair:

1. Vitalize Hair Growth
2. Keep a check Dandruff
3. Minimize Hair Fall
4. Preventing Greying of Hair
5. Add Shiny sheen to the Hair

3)  Amla (Indian Goose Berry) 

The Minerals, Vitamins and phyto-nutrients, vitamins and  present in Amla assist in raising the scalp circulation and stimulate healthy development. Alma is high in Vitamin C which produces collagen protein. This helps in sparking hair development , both length and volume wise.

Benefits of Amla for hair:

1.Stronger hair & Scalp 
2. Reduce early pigment of hair
3. Arrest hair loss
4.  Promote hair growth 
5.  Cure Dry scalp & dandruff
6. Improve Hair texture. 
7.  Cure parasitic hair and scalp infections, such as lice infections

4) Brahmi  (Bacopa Monnieri)

 Brahmi  provides nourishment through the scalp and strengthens  the blood vessels; this helps to stimulate extra nutrients and oxygen for hair growth. The natural alkaloids present in Brahmi ties-up to the proteins in the hair strand making stronger and thicker.

Benefits of Brahmi for hair:

1. It provide nourishment for strengthen hair follicles.
2. It also act as a natural conditioner and protect the hair roots.
3. Cure split ends and prevents from occurring.
4. It also controls the dandruff due to dried scalp. 

5) Licorice (Glabra Root)

Licorice or Khas as it is known in Sanskrit has been used by Ayurveda for its hair loss abilities effect and also restore balance for the hair. Properties of Licorice includes, glyceric acid and its derivatives, which helps in preventing hair-loss  stopping the production of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) by suppression  5 alpha reductase enzyme activity, which helps hair-growth.

Benefits of Licorice for hair:

1. It reducing itching 
2. Re-growth promoter
3. Helps to cleanses the 


6) Bala (Sida Cardifolia)

Bala is an ancient herbs used for number of hair and skin application due to its nutrient value. It is full of antioxidants which promote  hair luster and skin glow. 

Benefits of Bala for hair:

1. It helps in strengthening the hair; there by promoting hair growth.
2. It also works as a natural deep conditioner


Sakti - Intensive Nourishment for Strong Hair
by Aroha Oils


Sakti Nourishing Hair Oil has Jatmansi as one of the key ingredient in this deeply restorative hair-nourishing oil. Sakti which is a Sanskrit word means strong and it signifies the embedded essence of strong hair roots which this oil promises. This hair oil recipe is from 5000 year old Ayurveda textbook and is called "Bhringraj Thailam". Made in tradition Ayurveda principals and procedure, this oils includes all the potent herbs including Bhringraj, Indian-goose berry, Bala, Licorice, and Brahmi, this hair oil works at deeper level and nourishes hair from within. Made from 26 ingredients herbs & oils -  It helps to arrest hair loss, prevent split ends, promote the growth of healthy new hair, and improve its overall texture of the hair. See the detail ingredient list which goes to make this hair treatment oil - here.

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